Interview with Megan Alexander at the Honey Scoop

Interview with Megan Alexander on Faith, Work and Success

Megan Alexander is a national correspondent for Inside Edition and author of Faith in the Spotlight. I had the pleasure to meet her during HerConference last year, and her story and career is such an inspiration to all.

Interview with Megan Alexander at the Honey Scoop

1. What’s been your biggest challenge as a news reporter?

It’s hard to move so quickly from one story to the next. People pour out their hearts to me, from covering natural disasters to huge life moments and major historic events. It’s hard to shake their hand and literally leave town and move onto the next story so quickly. The pace of 24 hour news is relentless.

2. On the other hand, what has been the biggest victory?

Having a front row seat to all the major stories and events. I have covered 7 Super Bowls, interviewed presidential candidates and swam with tigers. My job allowed me to experience these moments.

3. Many women feel discouraged about following their passions. What advice would you give to those who feel like giving up?

Don’t worry about how it all will work out. Just begin and take that first step. But, realize you need to be flexible. I believe you can have it all, but you can’t have it all perfectly. And who you choose as your partner and friends really matter. Put together a tribe around you who inspire and encourage you.

4. Speaking of which, life can be hard. What keeps you going when you are tired and stressed?

Well, I can’t complain. I see life as good. Beautiful. Sure, it’s super messy, but life is a gift. Take care of yourself. Nothing good happens after midnight – I promise you – so get in bed and get good sleep! Stop and smell the roses, but take risks and take chances. We only get to live once.

5. You just wrote a book called Faith in the Spotlight. What inspired you to write this?

I saw the need for a book about women of faith, written by an ambitious woman of faith. I don’t see any “guidebooks” for women of faith in the workplace. So after looking around and getting frustrated, I decided to write my own. Countless people have confirmed this need. I also don’t think the Church has done the best job supporting and providing opportunities for ambitious women in leadership. It’s time we change that, and I hope this book will help start that conversation.

6. What is the primary motive behind why you do what you do?

Well, I think a lot of christians tend to say “I will pray about it, sit back and God will show me the way. He will open doors and drop it in my lap.”  I totally disagree. I say “ok Lord, stop me and slam those doors shut if you don’t want me to do it, because I’m barreling ahead”. I’m going to work hard and hustle for YOU because I believe this life and my talents are a gift. And how I use them is a gift to YOU and mankind.

Also, some of those people that think success, money and influence are bad? Those are the ones that complain that TV and movies and politics don’t represent them. They complain but they won’t put in the work. I believe in order to positively influence culture, we must engage directly with culture, and do it with excellence. And then if you are successful, use your success for good! People often misquote this phrase. “The love of money is the root of all evil”. They often leave out “the love of”. Money itself isn’t inherently evil. Nor is Influence, if used correctly and to benefit others. Every person must wrestle and figure out what this means for them and their relationship with faith and God.

My primary motive is a bunch of things. To honor the Lord with my talents, to help others, to be a strong role model for my boys, to provide for my family, to make this world a better place. To tell people’s stories through art, media and entertainment.

7. If you could go back, what would you tell your 22-year-old self?

Dye your hair bright red, that was the time that I wish I had! I would also tell her it will all be okay. Enjoy the ride. Think outside the box. Meet and befriend as many different people as you can. Celebrate differences. Set your table wide.

You can follow along with Megan on her motivational podcast called “Inspired” , website and watch her on Inside EditionYou can also find her on Instagram and Facebook.

I wil announce the winner through an email. It will end by Sunday, March 18. All you need to do to enter is subscribe and follow @meganjalexander1 and @ashheth on Instagram!

Link to book giveaway!

Book Giveaway at The Honey Scoop


March 11, 2018

Lifestyle, Stories


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