You have big dreams, but you’re waiting on God for something: the career, the spouse, or maybe the life you’re praying for. But today is important, too. Discover how you can experience more joy, purpose, and trust in God exactly where you are, and learn to embrace The Joy of the In-Between. 

the joy of the in-between

You have lots of big dreams, and you can hardly wait to start the future God has planned for you.

Tired of waiting for "real" life to start?

You ready?
You're ready.

But you haven’t yet arrived where you want to be.  You may yearn for a career you’re working toward, a spouse you’re praying for, or a life you’re hoping for.

Whatever your longings, waiting can be difficult. But you don’t have to wait until God answers your prayers to feel like you’re really living.


who is this book for?

If you want to trust God in your waiting season, follow his perfect plan for your life and learn to make the most of where God has you,  this book is for you.

if you're wondering...

If you’ve been wondering how to hear God’s voice, this book is for you.

If you’re seeking a long walk with a big sis who wants to listen, pray, and encourage you in your waiting season, this book is for you.

If you want to know how to be content in the season God has you in right now, this book is for you.

If you are sick and tired of comparing your life to everyone elsethis book is for you.

If you want to truly wait on God’s perfect timing, but you’re not sure how, this book is for you.

If you want to know and follow God’s plan for your life, this book is for you.

If you want to live life to the fullest in a waiting season, this book is for you.

If you’re looking for ways to give up control and trust God, this book is for you.



Ask yourself this: Are you tired of waiting for your “real” life to begin, and are you ready to start living right NOW? 

There’s good news: this time is vital and important, too! This joy-filled devotional will help you make the most of today and deepen your faith while you’re waiting on God’s perfect timing. 

is for you

the joy of the in-between

to put it simply, this book is for the one who is sick and tired of being in a waiting season and is ready to embrace the joy of today. 


Your copy!

bestselling author, dating coach, and founder of Heart of Dating

- Kait  Warman

“Ashley has written a gorgeous daily devotional that feels so personable. Every single girl or woman in waiting should grab this. I wish I had it in my single season.”



bestselling author of Rhythms of Renewal and Building a Resilient Life

- Rebekah Lyons

“Ashley is a bright light in our culture. Her youthful voice and timely wisdom will draw readers in and leave them feeling equipped and encouraged to begin with joy each day.”



bestselling author, podcast host, and speaker

- Grace Valentine

“Ashley relates to us through honesty and empathy while still pointing us to the cross. I am currently in a waiting season, and reading this book made me feel seen, blessed, and content. I know you will feel the same way.”



author of Break Up with What Broke You and founder of the Dear Future Husband podcast

- Christian Bevere

“Our hearts often yearn deeper than our patience runs. But if we allow it, the waiting can become a time of preparation, vision, and healing. Ashley transparently shares how Christian women can both long for and learn in waiting seasons when walking with Christ.”



Christian speakers and social media content creators

- Jacob and Julia Petersen

“Ashley has written an important and powerful devotional that will play a key role in your daily spiritual growth and walk with the Lord. Her wisdom and joy in the Lord are displayed so clearly, and this devotional will be a blessing.”



digital creator and podcast host of Christ with Coffee on Ice

- Ally Yost

“Ashley has written a must-read daily devotional that’s ideal for anyone who’s looking to begin their journey with God or help strengthen their relationship with Him. There is such beauty in the ‘in-between,’ and Ashley really showcases that in her writing. You will most definitely have a different perspective and relationship with God after committing to this 100-day devotional.”



speaker, author, and Christian influencer

- Kirby Kelly

“I love how Ashley weaves her faith, stories, and the empowering truth of God’s Word all throughout this devotional. As someone who wrestled through the waiting season herself, questioning God’s plan and my own sense of worth, I found these to be the words I wish I’d had spoken over me. Ashley offers encouragement and perspective like a friend who has your best interests in mind, reminding you that God’s timeline and will is truly the most life-giving. I am so excited for readers to pick this book up and leave changed, feeling purposeful and confident in who God says they are—in the season they are in.”



Need some friendly companions to come alongside you as you wait on God’s timing? Get immediate free access to TEN exclusive, encouraging studies answering your top questions about trusting God in a waiting season.

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The Bonus Bible Study Series 

Trusting God’s plan, waiting on God’s timing, getting rid of comparison, learning contentment - it’s all on the table and all yours for free when you order my book!

In-Depth Bible Study on
Trusting God in A Waiting Season


Gain instant access to ten in-depth lessons from scripture on what God has to say about being in a waiting season and trusting that God is really in control. 


Inspired by YOUR questions on your biggest struggles trusting God, waiting on His timing, believing He has a good plan, how to know what God wants you to do, and getting rid of comparison and having joy right where you are.  


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4 years ago, I found myself at rock bottom. After years of being a lukewarm Christian, and running away from God after a difficult season of heartbreak and grief, I was finally brought to my knees and forced to look up. From that moment on, I went from being one foot in the world and one foot in God to going all in with Jesus.

hey there!

i'm Ashley Hetherington

But over the years I’ve learned that trusting God, waiting on His timing, and believing that God has a good plan and is in control, is much more difficult than it seems. I’ve learned to let go of control of my own plans, and how (and when) I think He should move, and learn to enjoy where He has me, surrender to His perfect timing, and embrace the joy of today.

And you know what? I’ve never felt more peace and more joy than when I let go of my plans and choose to trust God instead. Although it’s not easy, when I choose to trust Him and say yes to the season He has me in, I feel so much more peace than when I cling for control.

After helping thousands of women across the globe grow closer to God and reach their full potential in Him, I’ve seen the same things come up over and over for all of us: doubt, fear of the future, struggling to hear God’s voice, comparison, and a deep desire to know if we are really following God’s plan for our lives. This book is my answer to all of those question marks.

I wrote The Joy Of The In-Between as a place for me to meet with my reader in the depths and pain of waiting on God’s timing, no matter how painful and hopeless it may seem. Let’s stop reaching for control, comparing our seasons with everyone else, and being anxious for the future, and instead embrace
the JOY of the in-between.

struggling to hear God’s voice, comparison, and a deep desire to know if we are really following God’s plan for our lives. This book is my answer to all of those question marks.

After helping thousands of women across the globe grow closer to God and reach their full potential in Him, I’ve seen the same things come up over and over for all of us: doubt, fear of the future, 

I wrote The Joy Of The In-Between as a place for me to meet with my reader in the depths and pain of waiting on God’s timing, no matter how painful and hopeless it may seem. Let’s stop reaching for control, comparing our seasons with everyone else, and being anxious for the future, and instead embrace the JOY of the in-between.



Take stock of the next right step for you to take in your waiting season, so you can be led on the right path that God has for you. 

Ready to grow closer to God and learn to embrace the season He has you in today? Open up.

permission granted.

Here's your safe space to work through your questions around God's plan that will guide you to trust the One who knows best.

start living now
and grow your faith in God before the next
exciting chapter of your life begins. 

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Everyone needs a pick me up from time to time.

Each week, I bring fresh encouragement to help you grow closer to God and become who He created you to be. 

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