Fighting The Good Fight

Fight The Good Fight at the Honey Scoop

I don’t know what you are going through. Maybe it’s unemployment, nerves of going back to college, mental illness, the death of a family, insecurity that is tearing you apart, heartbreak – the list can go on and on. I don’t know what obstacle God has put in your life at this time. But I know there’s a way to face that battle, despite the difference.

No matter what it is that is driving us down in the ground, we can not give up. I read a quote on Pinterest (I waste a lot of time just scrolling through this site, but so be it) that said “You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.”

As I am going through something right now, this was key motivation. I am facing doubt about going back to college, and fears that are beating me down. These fears have beat me down so much to the point where I am not looking forward to go back to college. And I think the obstacle in front of me is going to defeat me, causing me to fall into the darkness of self-pity.

But self-pity is selfishness. Am I just going to give up? Or am I going to run the race marked out for me?

When we go through trials, we have two choices. To face them defenseless, with a “woe is me attitude”. Or, we can fight. Fighting is an option, my dear friend. And I think we forget that.

Think about a group of people going to hike a mountain. They get together, and before they start, they take a big ole’ look at it. Half of the group thinks, “Man. There’s no way we are going to do this. Look at how flipping big it is, and do we even have enough supplies for this thing? Where is the exit?”

But there’s always that other half of the group that looks at it and goes “Man, I am so excited. I know I am strong enough for this, because I’ve climbed smaller mountains before. Yes, this will be challenging, but imagine the joy I’ll feel when I finish and see the amazing view on the top. I get to tell all these people about what I’ve done, and how I’ve persevered. Maybe then, they’ll feel courageous enough to climb this mountain too.”

Similar to this, there is a battlefield of the mind. There’s a part that looks at an obstacle and says “Yep. There’s no way you can get through this time. You might as well just give up and find a hole to crawl in”.

But there’s a different part that will look at this problem and say “This issue? Yes, it’s big. But the God that’s by your side is bigger. And this issue has already been defeated by him. But you have to fight too. You have to press on to win the prize, the calling which you have received”.

Are you going to fight? You have a plan. You have a purpose. Are you going to let this insecurity, this breakup, this fear get in the way of that purpose?

I encourage you to punch that problem with all of your girl power. Seriously.

You were given the ability of self-control. You can control whether this problem will rule over your heart and life, or you and your God can rule over the problem. It is a choice we all have to make in times of trial.

Persevere, sister. I believe in you. And remember, we are all fighting a battle. And when you win this fight (not if, but when), your story will inspire so many to face the same obstacle in their life.

You are a warrior, and you will not be defeated. And when you want to stop fighting, just imagine how glorious the view will be from the top of the mountain. Imagine the hope it will bring to the world. That, my friend, is your motivation.

March 9, 2018

Faith, Lifestyle


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