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What To Do When You're Struggling With Your Faith at the Honey Scoop

Hey friend. I know that not all of our lives are sunshine and roses, and I want this content to be authentic and vulnerable. Because life is really, really hard- and it doesn’t get any better when we act like nothing bad is happening. Whether you’re struggling with faith, or just life in general, it’s […]

Read This If You’re Struggling With Your Faith


recent post

To all the mothers: This one is for you. Ah, Mother’s Day. A holiday full of reminiscing, nostalgia, and appreciation for the one person who just gets us. Mom’s do a lot for us, and they never really get much credit. They listen to us cry, they tell us to get the heck back on our feet, […]

To Every Daughter's Hero at the Honey Scoop

Because finals week is the worst. So finals week is quickly approaching, and that means we are basically all dying inside. You might have 3 different video projects, which then I relate with you, and I fear that I am going to mistakenly put the wrong video in the wrong project. Confusing, I know. I […]

How To Stay Motivated in College at the Honey Scoop

Today’s post is written by Lauren Gill of Lifestyles by Lauren.  If you want to see more of her lovely interior decorating skills, follow along on her Instagram.  FINALLY– the highly anticipated post featuring my NYC apartment reveal! I’m so excited to show you guys how I decorated my first apartment. I’ve shown bits and pieces […]

NYC Apartment Tour- Guest Post By Lifestyles By Lauren

The first thing you wake up to and the last thing you see before bed. Before I went to college, I didn’t really understand the importance of a nightstand. My books would always find their way on the floor beside my bed, and it would be a mess. Since I don’t like messes, I knew […]

Eye mask - 8 Items You Need On Your Nightstand