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Believe it or not, grieving gracefully is possible. (Check out this guest post from my dear friend, Laura Mena, about how to grieve a break up the right way. You can find her Instagram here). In response to my biggest heartbreak to date, I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about the “right” way […]

How To Grieve A Breakup Gracefully


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We judge others based on what we feel insecure about. Judging someone is easy. To say what’s really on your mind when the opportunity presents itself. To just simply say how we feel because we are right and this person just doesn’t quite get the message here. Does this thinking sound familiar? I fall victim […]

Because exclusion is one of the worst feelings. Feeling left out sucks. I’ve been hearing (and over-hearing conversations lately) about getting left out. Maybe having a falling out with a friend group, maybe seeing something that you’re not invited to on social media, or maybe getting kicked out of a group message. No matter the […]

A man may not be perfect, but he should treat you with respect In a dark time of my life, I did not know my worth. But now I have learned to never settle for less. I would be with guys who didn’t really value me, and they made that clear. But I always hoped […]

A rainy day can’t stop you from having a great time. For the last week, it’s rained practically every day. If you’re from the Midwest, you know the struggle. Yesterday I was out all day for my news internship, and my flats were completely drenched. On the drive home it was a monsoon, and I’m […]