A scoop of encouragement for your day. 

The Deep Stuff

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You are not alone. Lately, I have been hearing a lot about how tough high school is. I’ve heard stories of suicide attempts, feeling excluded, and depression that roams the halls of these four years. Hearing this made me think about my own high school experience, and how it wasn’t so fine and dandy. In […]

To The Girl Who Hates High School


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Wonderful things happen when we let go of fear. 6 weeks ago, I moved to Nashville, where I knew zero people. No besties, no family, no one – away from everything I’ve ever known. It’s safe to say that fear ruled my thoughts. I was terrified. Before I left, I would overthink and overthink, and […]

Your workout might say a bit about you. I just moved to Nashville and do not have a gym nearby. After eating the incredible food here and sitting on my butt, I found that I was gaining more weight than I would’ve liked, and I needed a workout to fight the taco-weight. I became motivated […]

Grab all my college tips in my free ebook! I was so nervous to go to college. I had absolutely no idea what to expect, because I am the oldest in my family, and there was no one to coach me through the process. But I figured it out, through many learning curves. I learned […]

A Scoop Of Honey book update and other new endeavors. As much as I wanted to share some truth today, I thought it would be important to update you all on some big things that are happening in my life. I want to tell you all about the A Scoop of Honey book, as well […]