Dealing With The Dryness

Winter is finally here. And I don’t know about you, but almost every inch of me can’t help but feel dry and uncomfortable. There is absolutely no moisture out there, and our skin is seriously suffering from that.

So how do we deal with the dryness? With the excessive chapped lips, cracked hands, and gasping-for-moisture skin?

Below are my favorite products to combat the dry weather this season.

For Hands

1. Crabtree and Evelyn Gardener’s Hand Cream


This award winning hand cream locks in incredible moisture during these dry months. The shea butter and macadamia nut oil infused in this cream leave your skin feeling smoother and softer with each application.

2. On The Affordable Side: Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream 

This hand cream is an all time favorite for most. It leaves your hands feeling soft during the winter months. Buy this product for $3.99 here.

For Lips

3. Glossier Balm Dotcom

The cute packaging sells me already! This lip life-saver is full of antioxidants and natural emolients to fight off the irritated lips you may be dealing with. And even better, you can apply this to multiple dry areas (whether it be elbows or knuckles). This is one you will fall in love with and try to keep in your purse, backpack, or night stand. Buy for $12 at

4. On the Affordable Side (and Beyonce’s favorite!): Smith’s Rosebud Salve

What? Beyonce’s favorite?! Yes, you heard me correctly. This is perfect for the dry months and can also be used as a nice cheek tint. Buy at for $6.

For Face

5. Dermaquest Delicate Smoothing Serum 1 oz

I swear by this stuff. Every time the winter months reel around, I know it is time to put this puppy to good use. Yes, even though it is on the expensive side, it is incredible for extremely dry skin. And if you are worried about breaking out, this serum will not cause you any trouble. This was recommended by my dermatologist, and I don’t want to be the only one who knows about it! What’s the fun in that? Not only does it leave you feeling like you have entirely new face, but it also keeps moisture so you don’t flake throughout the day. Buy for $76 at

 6. On The Affordable Side: CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion

This drugstore product is fabulous for repairing restoring your dry skin this winter.  Buy for $14 at

Honorable Mention: L’occitane en Provence Shea Butter Hand Cream

This hand cream sells every 3 seconds, that’s how great it is. This is a classic hand cream that doesn’t leave your hands feeling greasy, but instead leaves your hands feeling good-as-new. Buy L’occitane en Provence Shea Butter Hand Cream for $28 here.

That’s a wrap for our favorite products this season. I hope you enjoy the suggestions above so you can enjoy this winter at ease.




January 9, 2017

Advice Column, Lifestyle, Style + Beauty


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