11 Ways To Stay Sane During The Coronavirus

Staying at home during the coronavirus pandemic doesn’t need to be miserable.

I never thought I’d write a blog post about a global pandemic (but hey, there’s a first time for everything!) But the coronavirus hit us like a ton of bricks. It’s turning our world’s upside down, and it can be hard to know what to do to achieve any sense of normalcy.

I am a college senior, and my last two months of college are looking completely different than what we imagined. We all are finishing up online, and we don’t even know if we will have commencement. This is rocking my boat, but I can only imagine how it is affecting you as well, dear reader. And I am sending you love as we all walk through this together.

Even though this isn’t what we want, sometimes we have to work with what we have. And that is exactly what this list is for – to add a little normalcy to your life (and maybe a little excitement) in this scary time.

So without further ado, here are 11 ways to spend your time during the coronavirus pandemic.

1. Community

We are so lucky to live in a time with the Internet. In a time where a lot of us are forced to be separated physically, we can still connected electronically. If you are like me and are still living in your college house with your housemates, this is a great opportunity to spend quality time together. Over the last couple nights, we’ve been gathering together to watch movies, play games, and spend time together. If you are at home with family, dig into those relationships as encourage one another through this stressful time. We weren’t meant to do this life alone, and we need each other more than ever.

2. Prayer

The other day I woke up to worry. Not even kidding, my eyes opened after a long night of sleep, and anxiety about the coronavirus flooded in. Thoughts like: What am I going to do today? What am I going to eat? What assignments are due? How on earth am I going to learn coding online? The worry felt paralyzing as I laid there, and hadn’t even started the day yet.

But then, I started to hear birds singing outside of my window. It brought the verse from Matthew to mind:

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Matthew 6:25-27 NIV

This scripture reminded me I am going to be okay. And it made me focus on God, instead of my worries. So in this case, I want to challenge us to instead of worry, pray. And let each worry in our head remind us to talk to God and lay those concerns at His feet.

3. Online sermons

I am so thankful for our global church community. The fact that churches put together their best technology to provide live online sermons was absolutely BEAUTIFUL to see. I think of the 1918 Spanish Flu and the hundreds of millions who suffered from that pandemic, and they did not have access to the online resources we have today. And one of those incredible resources is being able to connect with God in the comfort of our own homes. It truly is a miracle in itself.

There are several sermons I would suggest to watch, but I’ll start with my home church. Crossroads gave the most encouraging sermon on “How To Deal With Coronavirus”, and this would be the first sermon I’d recommend to watch because it’s all about anxiety. Other sermons I’d encourage you to tune into are Elevation Church & Vous Church.


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4. Move your body

giphy: https://media.giphy.com/media/tSiBuxlyJHzeo/giphy.gif

If you know me, you know that I love to start my days out with a good workout. And just because gyms are closing, does not mean we can’t get our workout on. The last couple of days I have been doing YouTube workout videos, and they have been saving my life. My fav at-home YouTubers to watch are:

             MadFit: If you are looking for 20-30 minute strength exercises, this is YOUR girl. These workouts always leave me sweating without feeling like I am training for the ROTC. 

             Blogilates: This girl just did us all a favor and made a 14-day Coronavirus at-home workout plan for anyone who wants to keep moving over these next couple weeks. I mean, what a gem! You can find the plan on her YouTube page. 

             Heather Robertson: I just found this gal in the last couple days and her cardio workouts are great because they don’t all require heavy jumping. I don’t know about you, but I find it a little annoying when my dresser and desk are shaking because I am doing all these jumping exercises in my room. Her workouts are great because they are low-impact but still provide a way to get your heart racing.

5. Feel-good movies


This is prime time to watch some good movies. I watched Clueless the other day, and seeing all these 90s outfits and watching Cher trying to figure out love was such a good way to forget about the coronavirus. Other movies I’d suggest to tune into are:

  • Valentine’s Day (Available on Netflix – this movie will totally make you smile.)
  • He’s Just Not That Into You (This ending scene is enough to make you smile for the rest of the week)
  • The Shawshank Redemption (Alright this might not be as feel-good as the other choices, but there isn’t much that Morgan Freeman’s voice can’t cure)

6. Create

If you love to make things, now you have all the time in the world to create. Write a book, start your blog, teach yourself graphic design – this is the time to let your inner creativity shine.

7. Cook

Since we have all this free time, it gives us enough time to get creative in the kitchen.  Now, I don’t have an excuse for easy meals, because I now have the time to cook real food. I am going to start with tofu, because these babies don’t expire for a long time, and also I have always wanted to learn how to master some good tofu. I’d suggest coming up with a list of recipes and making three new ones a week.

8. Read


If you are a bookworm, this time is A GIFT to read any and every book you’ve always wanted to get your hands on. A few on my list are Wild by Cheryl Strayed and The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Ray Hilton.

9. Journaling

In this anxious time, it is really important to put our thoughts down on paper. I know for me, whenever I journal and write out all my worries, they don’t seem to have as much power over me. I’d encourage you to get your thoughts on paper.

10. Learn something new

This is the time to take that webinar you’ve always to but haven’t had time for. Or learn the guitar. Or learn how to cook. I am a big learner, and these next two weeks give us the opportunity to build a new skill.

11. Listen to good music

Coronavirus can take a lot away from us – but it cannot take away good music. I have been cranking up the positive tunes these past couple days, whether that’s through worship music or with some of my favorite jams. One of them even includes It’s The End Of The World As We Know It by REM because some part of you has to make light of what’s going on. If you want some Spotify playlist suggestions, I’d listen to:

We can enjoy these next couple of weeks.

So there ya have it, here are 11 things you can do at home during this global pandemic. I’m hoping after reading this, you are feeling a bit more normalcy, and more empowered to get through this time.

Also, I highly encourage you to get my FREE self-care checklist if you want more ideas for what to do at home the next couple of weeks.

I am sending you all love and light as we walk through this uncertain time. I know that even though it’s hard to understand what’s going on, there will be good brought out of it.

I'll leave you with my fav verse: 
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight." (Prov. 3: 5-6)

Let’s keep the faith, and look at what good could come out of this season. We can enjoy quality time with people right inside our homes, enjoy church online, and cook new yummy meals. There’s always a reason to focus on the bad – but we have to choose to put our energy toward the good, the light.

We need to believe that good will come out of this season. We will get through this time, one day at a time, together.

Xoxo, Ash at the Honey Scoop

What are you doing to stay sane during the coronavirus? Comment below!

March 23, 2020

The Deep Stuff


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