5 Questions To Ask Yourself When You Need To Get Your Life Together

Sometimes you have to be lost to find where you’re meant to be.

I am a junior in college, and that means that I have had a mid-college crisis. Kind of like a mid-life crisis, but you’re in the middle of school, versus the middle of your life. Basically where I look at my goals and plans and go, oh my gosh, what the heck am I doing. And though I’ve found it’s a tough place to be, I also know there are several different ways I can get back on track. If you feel the same way, know that there are different things you can do to help get your life together.

When you don’t have your life together, you know it. You’re stressed all the time, you’re not particularly happy, and you don’t feel secure. You feel lost. And lost isn’t a fun place to be. Especially in college, where it’s tough to stay focused in the first place. 

When I’m in a space like this, I first ask God for direction. It’s important that I ask him to show me what he wants for me to focus on, and to show me how to get my life together. But I also know that I need to ask myself some guiding questions in the process as well, to get right down to the bottom of the problem.

So without further ado, here are 5 questions you can ask yourself when you don’t have your life together.

5 Questions To Ask Yourself When You Need To Get Your Life Together at The Honey Scoop, get your life together, get your life together quotes, get your life together funny, get your life together how to, get your life together quotes motivation, get your life organized, get your life together tips

1. What are my priorities?

Priorities will look different for each season of life. If you’re just graduating high school, it’s probably going to be getting ready for college and enjoying time at home. If you’re in your junior year, it’s time to start looking for a J-O-B (this sounds a bit familiar to me). Find where you are in life, and what you value in this season. Write these priorities down so you don’t forget.

2. Where am I putting my time?

This requires some good-ole reflection. Take some time and think about what you do during a normal week. And be honest with yourself, this isn’t an “ideal” week, but an actual reflection of where you put your energy. Think about how many hours you are putting into different classes, organizations, or certain people.

3. What stresses me out?

Now after looking at what you invest your time in, be mindful of what you don’t like to do. Are there any clubs that you are a leader in that you aren’t passionate about? Are there any classes that you are putting way too much time into, but your grades aren’t improving? Are there even certain relationships that you invest time in where there isn’t much reciprocation? Evaluate all of these things, because this will show you what you need to cut out of your life.

4. What do I love to do?

On a more positive note, contemplate what you really can’t wait to do, what you look forward to throughout your week. Be mindful of the organizations you get excited about, fruitful relationships, and what gives you energy. It’s important to not only look at the negatives of your week but what you enjoy doing. In my opinion, when you don’t have your life together, you’re not putting enough time into the things you love.

5. How do I envision my future?

Lastly, when you finally need to get your life together, evaluate what you want your future to look like. Take a couple minutes, close your eyes, and imagine it. Now look at everything you put your time into – will that help you get where you need to be?

Visualizing your future is a huge step in figuring out what to do, and what not to do. Believe it or not, you can lead your future. You’re not going to get everything planned out perfectly, and life will take you a few twists and turns. But certainly, you have the authority to lead your life in a certain fruitful direction.

Focus on what you love, and take away time from what is bringing you down. Life is way too short to spend a lot of time doing things that you don’t enjoy.

And normally when we put more time into what we love and take away time from what we dislike, we are closer and closer to the life that God has for us. It’s easy to get your life together when you look at it from all points of view. A purposeful life is out there for you, you just might have to steer the boat in a different direction.Xoxo, Ash at the Honey Scoop

October 22, 2018

College, Lifestyle


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