5 Things I’ve Learned From Getting Bangs (In The Last 24 Hours)

It may or may not have been a mistake.

I got bangs.

And before you freak out on me, give me a sec to explain my thought process. My hairstyle has been the same for what feels like a century. I haven’t dyed it or done anything drastic to switch it up.

And one day, my friend told me I should get bangs. It was like this light switch came on, telling me this was the best idea I’ve had in a long time. It wasn’t.

As I sit here with these annoying, greasy bangs in my face, I think it’s worth it to share what I’ve learned from them. Even if it’s from the last 24 hours.

1. Do not get bangs from someone who’s in a hurry

Unfortunately, my hair stylist was in a bit of hurry while I was going forward with this monumental decision. She quickly snipped away, and quick is really how it went. And then when it was over, it was like she was getting all her things together really quickly to leave, and I was left in the seat, hyperventilating. And worse, there was no time to fix them.

(I love my hairstylist, by the way. But this was cruel.)

This is very crucial for any of y’all who are getting bangs. Make sure, please, that there is time for the aftermath adjustment.

It’s important to not throw your stylist under the bus, no matter what. Because ultimately, it was your decision.

This leads me to my next point.

2. Having a fit afterwards will not make you feel better, or make your hair grow faster.

Yes, we all know the fit that happens after you get out of the hairstylists seat and into your car, where you scream cry in the most embarrassing way. This seems to help, getting all that cathartic energy out of your system. But I am telling you, friend, this only makes things worse.

3. Find pictures of what you want, and stay firm.

My stylist was snipping away, and there was a point where she cut them just a tad bit shorter than I would have liked. I was squealing as this was happening, and I heard the scissors snip my hair to a short, dreadful bang. Instead of letting this happen, stick to the picture. This is not a time to be creative.

4. Every woman will have bangs sometime in their life. It’s just a matter of when.

This is truth. We will all, I mean all, go through this phase. I just got it over with much sooner than others.

5. Your friends will tell you not to get them. But do it anyway.

And later, you will realize how you should have listened to them. But this is besides the point.

Yes, I may not be happy with my decision. I may have done a little squeal/cry about 30 minutes ago. And I may be dreading the fact that I look a bit goth.

But at the end of the day, I am glad I made this move. After all, hair grows, and bangs are never permanent. But if you are considering getting bangs, do yourself a favor and consider these points above. They may save you from hair heartbreak.

And if I could do it again, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Xoxo, Ash at the Honey Scoop

March 18, 2019

College, Lifestyle, Style + Beauty


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