8 Things I’d Tell My Freshman Year Self

You won’t always feel so awkward your freshman year.

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Freshman year is full of a lot of change. I remember feeling so awkward all the time, eating meals for the first time alone, and nearly sleeping in through all my morning classes.

It’s safe to say it was hard for me to adjust.

I’m now a senior in college, about to leave the bubble of my university years. And now that I’m older and wise, there’s a ton of things I’d tell my freshman self.

So if you’re a freshman and wanting to catch some wisdom from an older, wiser you, check out the podcast and list below.

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A few points I hit:

In this episode, I share the top 8 things I’d tell my freshman self. It takes courage to put yourself out there, turn off Netflix, and try new things – but it is so worth it in the end. I’m so glad I chose to be bold in my freshman year, or I probably wouldn’t be where I am now.

My biggest piece of advice is to put yourself out there.

It takes courage to be with people you don’t know or do things you haven’t done before, but I promise you’ll learn more about yourself, you’ll make good friends, and you’ll feel much more at home if you take the leap of faith. If you try to build a better life for yourself. Because your future home is out there – it’s just waiting for you to embrace it.

Xoxo, Ash at the Honey Scoop

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October 9, 2019

The Deep Stuff


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