How You Can Make The Most Of Your Spring Break

Ahh, March 20th. This marks the first day of Spring 2017. Isn’t it glorious? This means no more parkas (even though you really like yours, you can admit you are pretty sick of throwing it on every day), no more cold walks to class, and no more gray skies. But it also means: Spring Break!

Spring Break is an amazing time each year to have some relaxing time from your crazy schedules. However, I find that there is a certain way to go about your break.

To make your Spring break the best it can be, make sure you follow these guidelines.

1. Use Sunscreen

If you are outside in the hot sun on a beach, please use sunscreen. I find that most people steer away from sunscreen because they feel they won’t get tan. You are going to get tan either way, sunscreen just ensures you will not be limping the next day with red blots all over your skin. Your skin is a precious gem, make sure to take care of it so you can look like a sun kissed goddess.

2. Re-evaluate

Spring break is a great time to re-evaluate your life. Have you liked the way you have been living the past couple of months? Is there anything you would change? If you met yourself, would you be happy? This break is full of snoozing but it also should be full of some thinking. Sometimes we need to step away from our lives to realize what we really want. By re-evaluating what you want in life, you are sure to make some progress over your break. 

3. Make Goals

After looking at you would change in your life, I aspire you to make some goals for yourself. Do you feel like you have been closed off from people lately? Make it a goal to reach out and ask new friends to hang out every week. Do you feel like you are not taking school seriously anymore? Make it a goal to go to the library four days a week. By making goals, you are on to an improving track for when you get back into the real world.

4. Workout

Spring break is an amazing time to get back into shape. The other day, I went on a 2.5 mile run with my three friends. It was beautiful, we were by the beach and letting the ocean breeze cool us off, but it was still exhausting. You might be thinking, wow Ashley 2.5 miles is nothing, but I barely run. And I want to work on that. When you are a busy girl in college, it can be hard to make time to workout. But when you are on Spring Break, you really don’t have anywhere to be. So make time to take care of your body.

5. Read A Fantastic Book

When life gets busy, it can be hard to read books. By the end of the day you might fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, instead of pulling out a book to sink into. However, this break is a perfect time to pick up that book that’s been on your shelf for what seems like years and dive into a nice story.

6. Look For A Job

Spring Break is the perfect time to look for a job. I currently am looking for a summer waitressing gig, but you might be in the position to look for an internship in your field of choice. When we are not on breaks, it is hard to make time for internship or job applications. But during, you have plenty of time to fill these out.

6. Be A Bum

Above all else, you should most definitely make time to de-stress. Watch a movie, read trashy magazines, stare at the ceiling, I don’t know. Just make time to unwind because before you know it, you’ll be back to hitting the books!

Spring Break is a time we should all never take for granted. It is full of beaches, family, friends, planning, and fantastic sleep. Before we know it, we will be back to working our butts off. It is only necessary we make the most out of this relaxing week.







March 20, 2017

The Deep Stuff


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