How To Achieve Productivity in College

It is safe to say that college can be hard to manage. You’re on this sports team, but you also have 18 credit hours and you’re the president of a club. And, you actually want to get good grades. But you slowly find yourself slipping into stress, because there is just no way you can handle everything at once.

Yes, there is a lot to be said for putting way too much on your plate. But what one could argue is that sometimes, our time just isn’t managed well.

During my 1st semester, I had quite the reality check. I thought I could do everything I wanted to without thinking of planning out everything. But I soon found myself overwhelmed, thinking I couldn’t do anything. I needed to make a change.

I learned time is of great value in college. We need to use it to our best ability. Especially when there are papers that need to be written and exams to study for, whilst also juggling 7 extracurricular activities. You can follow simple steps to increase how much you get done so you can go from a stress free life to a life full of joy and peace.

So without further ado, here are several ways to boost your productivity in college.

1. Eliminate All Distractions

This means staying off of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It also means staying away from your group messages and email. So basically, you might as well turn off your entire cell phone. This is what I do and it always works for me. In fact, sometimes I even go to the extent of turning my phone off and shoving it in a drawer. This way, my phone is really put away and I can not grab ahold of it. Knowing I can look on my device after I finish my work definitely motivates me as well.

2. Plan Everything

A lot of emphasis is put on to-do lists, when little is on actually planning everything you have to do hour by hour. I also plan breaks for myself, about 10 minutes each hour of studying. During these breaks I surf the web or just give myself time to stare at a wall. Either way works for me.

3. Set a Timer

Along with planning everything, I like to set a timer to keep me from procrastinating. With a timer, I feel like I have to be on my game, fully involved in what I am doing so I can get it done. Focusing is the terrific result from this tactic.

4. Reward Yourself

Make sure you give yourself some credit after all of your hard work. Truth is, you deserve a treat (in fact, you always deserve a treat. But that is besides the point). Knowing of your reward during the dreaded studying will help you push through to the finish line.

5. Get Some Zzz’s

With all of your hard work, you deserve some quality rest. Make sure to go to sleep relatively early so you can wake up early and be fresh to start your day.

College can be stressful if we don’t manage our time well. But if we approach our tasks with the right mindset, we will be able to conquer any obstacle set out for us.

Plan accordingly, and use your resources. You will be surprised of the effect it has on your college experience. Before you know it, your stress will turn to rest in no time!



January 23, 2017

College, Lifestyle


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