A Scoop Of Honey book update and other new endeavors.
As much as I wanted to share some truth today, I thought it would be important to update you all on some big things that are happening in my life. I want to tell you all about the A Scoop of Honey book, as well as other new adventures I’m about to embark on.
I feel like I am constantly sharing with you all about what I am learning, but rarely telling you what is actually going on in my life. And let me tell you, there are some big things coming that I can’t wait to share with you.
So firstly, here are just a few things:
1. I Wrote A Book
First and foremost, yes, I did the thing I always wanted to do. It’s a book all about finding your faith from ground zero. It’s called A Scoop Of Honey – A Beginner’s Guide To Faith By Someone Who Once Googled Jesus.
The way this unfolded was pretty darn cool. Over the winter, I kept hearing the same idea pop up, and several people in my community told me that I should write a book about the same topic. So I kind of saw it as a fate-thing, a God-assignment.
The book shares applicable ways to dig into your faith, like how to start going to church, how to talk to God, and even how to spend your mornings. I share everything I wish I knew while I was starting my faith journey.
You can buy the A Scoop Of Honey book on Amazon at this link – https://www.amazon.com/Scoop-Honey-Beginners-Someone-Googled/dp/1090747632
2. I’m Moving To Nashville
Yup – I am moving my Midwest booty down to the South. I really don’t know what’s going to come from this little excursion, but I am excited to see what God has in store. I’m moving there for a summer internship, and have an amazing place to live already with a bunch of girls my age, which is such a gift. I’ve never lived outside of Ohio in my life, nor have I ever lived in Nashville, so this is quite a step out of my comfort zone. I may or may not develop a Southern accent after this excursion, which I’m secretly hoping I do.
3. I’m about to be a friggin senior
I have no idea how time flew by so quick. College has been such a gift in my life, and it’s a bummer that it went by so fast. I can’t believe I’m about to embark on my senior year. But all I can do is soak up every second, and be grateful for the gift that college has been in my life.
With all of these new seasons coming up, I’m sure there’s going to be a ton of new material. I can only imagine what I am going to learn on the other side of all of these experiences. I also was thinking I would share Instagram stories of my Nashville expedition – I’m thinking #ashinnash. What do we think?!
Above are just a few ways God is moving in my life. I have no idea what’s on the other side of these new adventures, but I can only hope that it makes for some solid writing material, and even better nuggets of wisdom.