How I Find Myself Through Studying Abroad with Carrie Bantz

How Carrie Found Herself Through Studying Abroad

Carrie shares her study abroad journey, and how God can make any dark season beautiful.

How I Find Myself Through Studying Abroad with Carrie Bantz

Study abroad is supposed to be “the time of your life”. The promotional materials, as well as the Instagram pictures, portray the experience to be perfect and out of a movie. But for Carrie, it was everything short of perfect. In fact, it was the hardest season of her life.

In this episode, Carrie shares what she learned when she lived for 4 months on the other side of the world. She describes what it felt like to be away from everything familiar, and experience feelings she didn’t know what to do with.

But in this season, she saw the things she clung to for so long strip away from her self-worth. In this, she found herself, and she learned to love the person she was covering up for so long. It was such a joy to have such a strong, wise woman on the show, and I’m so excited for y’all to listen to her story.

Carrie’s blog

Carrie’s Instagram

October 5, 2018

College, Podcast, Stories


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