What I Wish I Knew Going Into College with Kat Mena

How to thrive in college by stressing less and investing more in people

How I Thrived In College By Stressing Less at the Honey Scoop - podcast, stress in college, stress in college students, freshman advice, freshman year college

Kat Mena pulled regular all-nighters during her freshman year of college. But after a couple months of staying at the library until 3AM, she found that she was completely lonely, and not surrounded by an uplifting community. She realized she needed to do some stress management and work on improving her well-being.

“Your life is like a grain of salt on the timeline of eternity – exams are a grain of a grain of a salt,” says Mena.

Feeling uneasy about her college experience, she realized she was giving her GPA a whole lot of power over her life. She went on a journey of self-discovery – where she learned that she was looking for fulfillment in the wrong places.

“You can’t be upset about your current situation if you’re not doing anything to change it,” Mena said.

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This does not mean you should ditch schoolwork altogether. It’s more of a reflection on finding the right balance – putting in the work for school, but not letting it take over your life. You control what you can, but the results are not up to you.

Proverbs 31:21 “The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.”

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How do you do stress management in college? Comment below!

November 14, 2018

College, Podcast


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